Monday, November 30, 2009

Week 13 - 11/27/09

So far, so good! We had a big appointment on 11/23. This appointment involved a very thorough US, called a nuchal translucency (NT) scan. The NT scan measures a very small pocket of fluid behind the babies' necks and uses this measurement plus multiple other factors to test the babies for any trisomy syndromes (such as Down's). We found out the final results a few days after, but everything was within the normal range! Baby B was well-behaved, but A and C were bouncing all over the place, so the scan took a while. I didn't mind this at all except for the full bladder required for the scan! We got tons of pictures on this US, too. The babies actually look like babies now and are about the length of peaches! They have legs, arms, and fingers, which were all very clear on the US. I was 12 weeks and 3 days, and the babies were all measuring 12 wks and 4-6 days, which is wonderful! We also got to hear each individual heartbeat -- amazing! As far as my health, my labs, blood pressure, etc. all look great. I have also gained about 10 pounds (which I have been working very hard at!), so Dr. M was very happy. Since all is well, we do not go back until December 21st (16 weeks). As long as the babies aren't shy, we should be able to find out the sexes!!! If there was only one baby, Kellan and I didn't want to find out the sex. However, with three, we need to be as prepared as possible. Plus, can you imagine picking out 6 possible first names??!! At 16 weeks, I will also have a cervical length measurement done by US (and every appointment thereafter). This measurement really dictates how much activity and work I can do, so I am praying for a long, firm cervix!

Kellan and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Beverly, as well! There is just something about being home that is so nice and relaxing. It was wonderful to get to see so many family members. I broke out the maternity pants for this day and thoroughly enjoyed the fact that I was actually trying to gain weight this year! If my belly looks any bigger this week, it may actually be from all the yummy noodles I ate ;)
Baby A and B looking at each other

Baby A's cute little profile

Baby B just relaxing

Baby C waving hello!

Week 13 Belly Pic


  1. Danielle! Ah, you look amazing! Looking at these pictures of you and the babies kept a huge smile on my face. All of the pictures and blogs make me cry (happy tears, of course!)... i am so so so happy and excited for you and Kellan! Your belly looks very cute, and I can't wait to see and read more :)

  2. i can tell i'm a rookie at this ... here goes my third try at posting this...i am trying again as Anonymous??? ... how do i get accepted to just comment?

    Hello you two (er...five), Danielle you are a wonderFULLy expressive and delightFULL writer. I usually don't read all my email, much less get to reading a blog ... but Kevin sent it today and I thought I'd check it out ... I hope to periodically check back ... a way to slowly get to know you t...five.
    uncle/granduncle Bill

  3. Danielle,

    Your 13 week pregnant triplet stomach looks like mine after I've eaten a lot of Thanksgiving dinner!!!

    This is so cool! Love reading it,


  4. Hey Danielle! Thanks so much for doing this! It's so fun to see the pictures! Question -- can you tell or have they told you exactly where they're attached in your uterus? I mean, the US pics make it look like one is right on top of the other and baby three is hanging out somewhere else....just wondering.
    love you two!
